Friday, December 5, 2008

I have been enjoying Christmas shopping with Steve and on my own while the kids are in school and Ryan is at preschool! I was supposed to be shopping yesterday for my kids, but I went in T.J. Maxx for the first time in forever and got a little carried away looking for myself! So I called Steve when I was done and let him know that my Christmas was done and he was very happy about that because usually when he shops for me it's the wrong size or he spent more money on something than I would have.
Bree and Zach had their Christmas program at school and it was really cute. It was called Santa Goes Green and the songs were actually really funny! Each grade did a different song and Bree and Zach sang their little hearts out! The pictures that I took didn't come out very well at all, I need a new camera! Nothing else too exciting going on...just enjoying the Christmas season, I love it!


KJlovesBubba said...

You totally deserved shopping for yourself - it's always nice to get something you REALLY want for Christmas, our guys usually need help with that! We can't wait to be your "neighbors" soon - framing started yesterday I think.

amelia said...

TJ Maxx is my favorite! You sound like me & Sam when it comes to Christmas gifts! Lunch was fun the other day; it was great to catch up and see you guys!
Have a great day!

Laura said...

I too would like to buy my own gifts but I love the surprise! The girls are done now I just need to get something for Brent. Not sure what to get him. Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeeks!

geislers said...

I guess i need to go there more often. I never go there. I really am not a great shopper. You will have to help me!

Brooke said...

Hee hee I ordered some of my own presents online the other day, too. TJ Maxx is the best, though! Glad you are enjoying the season!