Monday, December 22, 2008


Ryan even had his own ski lift!

We had a great day on Saturday! First of all, we slept in until 9:00, then our niece babysat while Steve and I finished our Christmas shopping. The mall was a mad house, but it was still fun to be out with the crowds (for an hour, then we were sick of it). We took the kids sledding later that day and had so much fun! It seems like a pain to get everyone all geared up and ready to go, but it's always worth it! Steve attempted to snowboard down the hill and crashed, I thought I would die laughing! I also tried to "snowboard" down the hill on a sled and I totally crashed too...It doesn't look like it hurts when I see other people fall, but I hurt SO bad! The snow wasn't fluffy, it was like ice! I had jeans on and I spent the rest of the time watching from the car, trying to get warm! We came home and made the kids hot cocoa and felt like good parents.....Then we left them again. :) To go to the store to get groceries for a delicious turkey dinner with the Geislers! Merry Christmas everyone!!!


Brooke said...

Looks like fun! Merry Christmas to you guys!

Melissa said...

You guys are so cute. :)
Thanks for your comment- I am sure he will find something. It is so scary though- I just hate the unknown. We need to have Bree over soon. :)
Have a Merry Christmas!!